Best Riddle Books for Kids
Find the best riddle books for kids by browsing the book images below and selecting your favorites to get more information about each of the riddle paperbacks listed. You’ll find great sources for the best riddles for children including science riddles for kids, funny riddles for kids and riddles for elementary students. Find other joke books for kids here.
Funny Riddles for Teens & Kids
The best riddles for kids include funny riddles by hilarious authors. Here at, we’ve compiled a list of funny riddles for kids in the most hilarious riddles in the world. Our riddles for kids include simple riddles, challenging riddles, science riddles and riddles for middle schoolers as well as riddles for elementary students. If you can find more riddles for children or books of riddles for children, we’d love to hear about it because we consider ourselves the best resource for joke books on the internet including knock knock joke books, children’s joke books and the best Dad joke books. And don’t forget our holiday joke books too.

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